PBR Exports

Default Export

colormass materials are exported as ZIP files. An exemplary export would contain the following data:

Tie info.txt file contains meta information regarding the material and the export settings:

Article ID: 6713402
Width: 127.00 cm
Height: 127.00 cm
Exported for workflow: Metallness / Roughness
Normal map orientation: +Y up
Resolution: Original

The other files are image files, named according to the following schema:

  • [id]-[name]-diffuse.[ext]

  • [id]-[name]-normal.[ext]

  • ...

[id] refers to the internal colormass material ID

[name] refers to the material name

[ext] refers to the file extension (JPEG, TIFF, EXR)

Custom Export

The zip file above in regular circumstances exported using default settings. There is however a possibility to export a material with various settings on the platform. These possibilities include the following options:

  • Workflow:

    • Metallnes / Roughness

    • Specular / Glossiness

  • Render Engine:

    • colormass

    • Corona

    • VRay

    • Cycles

  • Normal direction:

    • Engine default

    • +Y up

    • +Y down

  • File type:

    • .exr

    • .tiff

    • .png

    • .jpg

  • Resolution:

    • Original

    • 72 dpi

See screenshot of where these settings can be chosen:

Map Types

We currently provide the following maps:

Exported Maps

Assuming that you selected Engine default option for the normal map these are the maps that will be exported for various workflows and render engines.

Metalness / Roughness Workflow


  • Maps: diffuse, normal, metalness, roughness, specular, anisotropy, displacement

  • Anisotropy: As one map

  • Normals: y+down


  • Maps: diffuse, normal, metalness, roughness, specular, anisotropy-strength, anisotropy-rotation, displacement

  • Normals: y+up

  • Anisotropy: anisotropy-strength: 0 ... 1.0, anisotropy-rotation: Counter-clockwise


  • Maps: diffuse, normal, metalness, roughness, specular, anisotropy-strength, anisotropy-rotation, displacement

  • Normals: y+down

  • Anisotropy: anisotropy-strength: 0 ... 1.0, anisotropy-rotation: Clockwise

Specular / Glossiness Workflow


  • Maps: diffuse, reflect, normal, gloss, fresnel-ior, anisotropy-strength, anisotropy-rotation, displacement

  • Normals: y+down

  • Anisotropy: anisotropy-strength: 0 ... 1.0, anisotropy-rotation: Clockwise


  • Maps: diffuse, reflect, normal, gloss, fresnel-ior, anisotropy-strength, anisotropy-rotation, displacement

  • Normals: y+down

  • Anisotropy: anisotropy-strength: 0.5 ... 1.0 (?), anisotropy-rotation: Clockwise

Last updated